Tuesday, March 15, 2016


This movie was very fast paced and I didn't like it very much. It was graphic and it felt a little too dramatic. The acting was very good but like I said, dramatic. I would give it 3 stars out of 5 just because it did do a good job of going from the book to the movie yet sometimes it took a little too much movie freedom. I did like how it was easy to follow and it tied the book together for me but it was still very hard to follow. It skipped over a lot of important things and spent too long on some things so I would to see more of certain parts
xoxox laurels world

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Do now QW #7

Fear is something that keeps up with the times. For example, now the fear is terrorism and gun violence whereas some years ago, these were not legitimate fears. Whatever is feared in the modern times, is what people tend to fear in movies. Now we have tons of movies with kidnappers and gun violence and that is what is scary to us now. Im not scared of monsters or much because I know that they don't exist, but some time ago, people still believed in a lot of mythical creatures that might have scared them. Now we seem to be afraid of scarier things that we have seen impacting people all over the world. The movie Gattaca was something that scared me too because it is close to a reality. We get scared when we think something could possibly become a reality and frankly, Frankenstein doesn't scare me much because of the fact that I know it will never come true.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Responsibility for Creation? QW #6

I believe that he is definitely responsible. It is hard to say he isn't as he created this monster by hand who is destroying lives. I think that he should definitely take responsibility for the masters actions as well as he was also the one to ignore him and not give him the love he thinks he deserves to be a normal functioning human. Creating artificial life is a slippery slope and if we are going to make it this something that can actually happen, someone will have to take responsibility if things begin to go south. As with anything, someone has to take responsibility and I believe that first hand the easiest person to blame is the one to make it.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Frankestein as a play? QW #5

I think it is very interesting to see this book being turned in to a play. It gives the watcher and the reader a different look into what Frankenstein is thinking and why he does what he does. It is a cool way to be able to understand and appreciate his feeling and longing of loneliness. Since I helped turned a novel in to a play, I can really appreciate how much work went in to the making of the play and it looks as though it deviates from the book quite a bit which probably ended up working for the author. I would love to see it!
I also love that they switch characters each night because it changes the acting and the perspective. From being in acting, you take on the character that you play and it would be so interesting to see how being the slave and then being the master would change how you treat the other character. I would love to be able to play a character like that.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Genes from 3 babies? QW #4

There are definitely rules that should be in place when it comes to genetically making babies but I think that no matter what, it should remain 2 parents. It takes 2 people to naturally make a baby because that is how it happens. We should not be messing with more than 2 parents because things could go really wrong. Plus how would one even deal with the problem of who has custody? It is such a slippery slope that would take so much to keep it in place I just do not think that it is possible to keep a childs life healthy when they have more than one parent that not only created them, but raised them. We need to stop messing with all of these supernatural powers that are out of our control because it is more than likely that it will go wrong.